Saturday, 27 April 2013

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Timelapse Vid- More Comicking SpiritBear... enjoy!

Comicking 2 from Tristan Roach on Vimeo.

Timelapse Vid- Comicking SpiritBear... enjoy!

Comicking 1: Spirit Bear from Tristan Roach on Vimeo.

Drawing defeated kermode for panel of issue #0 of Spirit Bear.


Did these model sheets for an animation pitch for West Toonz animation. They were not used so I'm thinking of doing a webcomic.YEAA!!

Random pages from Bridgeland Web-comic.

Hi guys, Check out Bridgeland the web comic - Writer - Marc Gibson... Illustrator, letterer, colourist-ME!! Check it out-

Miss Gi

B'day gift for a friend of mine. Will colour eventually.

Time to start blogging and promoting my art work.

The first post, pencils for Spirit Bear Issue #0...coming soon.